The 20th issue
This 19th issue
This 18th issue of the Hawkamah Journal is based on the speeches, presentations, and discussions that took place at the 2021 Hawkamah Annual Conference.
This 17th issue of the Hawkamah Journal focuses on the S in ESG, which for far too long has been a “silent S”, and explores how companies and investors should think about the “S”, particularly in relation to human capital management.
This 16th issue explores the topic through interviews with prominent board members and executives representing the perspectives of companies, investors and regulators. There are two main themes that come out of these interviews.
This 15th issue of the Hawkamah Journal focuses on how the MENA region can, through improved ESG practices, help attract foreign direct investment and deepen the region’s stock markets.
This 14th issue explores ethics from different perspectives. In this regard, we are pleased to feature an overarching article by Sir Mark Moody-Stuart on leadership and the challenge of embedding values in a global corporation.
This 13th Hawkamah Journal focuses on the role of corporate governance in corporate transformation. It features articles on the navigating the governance challenges through the various stages of company evolution from various perspectives.
This 12th issue of the Hawkamah Journal is how boards deliver on their respective goals. In this regard, we are pleased to feature an interview with Ms Margaret Foran who explains the main purpose and objectives of boards.
This 11th issue of the Hawkamah Journal focuses on how companies and their boards can manage change through governance. The Journal features a number of articles tackling specific issues and dissecting what they mean for boards of directors.