
Board Services


The Board of Directors plays a pivotal role in corporate governance. The tone from the top and the promotion of the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and corporate governance are established by the board. The organization’s board should reflect its fundamental values.

An organization can have a meaningful board review which is designed to help directors assess the underlying drivers of what really matters for effectiveness, as well as providing better engagement and enhancement.

Hawkamah is delighted to partnership with Independent Audit ‘’ The Uk’s Leading Board Evaluation Consultants’’ which we are sure will be a hugely beneficial relationship for both parties that will lead to a significant improvement and awareness of the importance of excellent board governance in the region.

Thinking Board® simplifies the evaluation process through the automated solution which shows the scale of any issues identified and what is causing them, even if comments are sparse.  And you can compare and drill into the results for greater insights into how well your governance is working. It’s an extremely useful tool and in our view far more effective than traditional questionnaires. Which will help the board identifying their current gaps and work effectively on closing them.

Our services are distinguished as:

-Highly confidential

-Focused on identifying strengths and areas for improvement

-Actionable – based on the findings, we will recommend changes to board focus, processes and practices leading to greater board effectiveness



Now we bring you Thinking Board® Evaluator – the digital board evaluation system we’ve created to empower boards to conduct effectiveness self-assessments confidently, while significantly reducing your time and investment by taking all coordination, analysis and reporting online.

Our goal is to make sure any board—regardless of location, size or maturity—can benefit from an effective, impactful evaluation, whether for a first time review, to refresh your board’s approach, or to get a quick but useful assessment.

How Thinking Board Evaluator Works

For more details, please contact: sadia.malik@hawkamah.org

  • Board Evaluation regional and global Benchmarking: Once the board evaluation is completed, our experts will benchmark the results amongst its pool of all board evaluation conducted with Hawkamah regionally and on a wider level to all board evaluations conducted by IAL globally. This benchmark will support regional companies to compare its effectiveness amongst regional and international companies.

  • Hawkamah briefings, arranged to coincide with board meetings and retreats, enable board members to keep up with the latest developments in corporate governance and refresh their knowledge on corporate governance trends and developments.

    Hawkamah provides focused 1-2 hour board briefings to boards across the MENA region. The briefings are conducted by experienced board directors and center on key challenges faced by the regional boardrooms.

    Examples of recent topics include:

    • Regulatory developments (international and regional)
    • Director’s duties and liabilities
    • Governance of strategy
    • Governance of risk
    • Ethics and compliance
    • Board effectiveness
    • Sustainability
    • Effective audit committee
    • Cybersecurity
  • The board is the backbone of corporate governance. A good, or poor, corporate governance system in any organization starts from its board. Boards are responsible for putting the company on the right track, and for making sure that it remains on that track.

    Boards hold the ownership of strategy and risk in the company. That is why having the right board is pivotal for the long term success of the organization and for its sustainability.

    Yesterday's board was the right board then, today we need a different board, and tomorrow we need yet another board. However, when shareholders, founders, family businesses and SMEs consider composing or changing boards, they face some real challenges in identifying and finding the right people needed for the board today.

    Hawkamah can help, whether you are looking for a full-fledged board or an advisory board. It is not only that we have a good database of qualified and certified directors of various backgrounds, ethnic groups, geographic locations, age groups, and gender; but we can also help the company in the selection process.

    We will advise you on the best structure and we will help you find the right candidates.

  • The effectiveness of a company’s board of directors is critical for ensuring that the company has a sound and long-term business strategy that is executed within an environment of prudent risk management.

    A periodic board evaluation has become part of the accepted governance landscape as a way to improve board effectiveness.

    However, in our experience, board evaluations can be overly past-oriented. They may also exacerbate already fractious and poorly performing boards. And in many cases, they leave the board members unclear on what changes, whether big or small, are needed to make to the way the board works in relevant areas in order to be more meaningful.

    Our board progression tool is future-oriented and practical. It utilizes a progression matrix which has been developed by experienced board members, drawing from their experience of boards across the world.

    We believe that, when presented with a picture of what the “targets” ought to be and what behavioral elements and practices they are composed of, it is easier for a board to determine what it wants to do and how to get there. The matrix is a tool describing what corporate governance targets boards can set for themselves.

    Our methodology is aimed at creating buy-in from all board members on the ways in which the board can progress and improve in areas that are important, and that can have a positive impact on a company's performance and competitive position.